

The Haunted Wardrobe

This journal is similar to the last one because it is also about superstition. Yesterday the reporter reported that a lot of local people, who live in a small village in Petchaboon, gather together for find the lucky number from the haunted wardrobe in order to buy the lottery. It was given by someone who said there was mysterious sound when he would keep his cloths in the cupboard. Sometimes it sounded like the conversation but many times there was someone hitting the plank inside. But there was nothing when he opened it. It happened almost every day. No one can prove what the reason of these strange sounds is.

I think sometimes the mystery is supernatural. No one can explain the cause. Although I am not credulous and prefer to find the reason over believe in saying, I cannot dispute them with the realistic

Dial 0888 888 888 and Die

I have heard about the cursed phone number that killed its owners and I searched this news on the internet. It had been changed 3 handles in last ten years then they all died while they were the holder. The first one is Vladimir Grashnov who was the CEO of the mobile company. This 48-year-old man was dead by cancer in 2001. After his dead, this phone number was assigned to Dimitrov who the head of Bulgaria mafia gangster. He was shot while he was having dinner with his sweet super model. They believe that it was committed by Russian mafia as the conflict of their interest. In 2003, the last owner was also shot, named Dishliev, while he was having meal in Bulgaria.And he is also peddler.Now this phone number is unavailable. It was canceled by its company and if you call to this telephone, it says “outside network coverage”. They have no idea with these incidents.

In my point of view, it would be contingency that three big business men were dead by being this phone number owner. It might caused by the business’s conflict. Moreover, there are two possessors who concerned with illegal business.

A million for the learder Redshirt's liberty

Mr.Natthawut and his backers were imprisoned for criminal case by Thai commando. Then, their lawyers arrange the data file and process the legislative methods for give them the liberty back. The government demanded a ransom of one million baht per person. There are many supporters who call themselves Red-Shirt encouraging their leaders while they are in prison. And now, the judgment is on process and it depends on judge if they will set on free.
I think they should not released by any case because of their terrible deeds which affected to many citizens even those people do not concern, including me. The effects are higher than a million baht that they could indemnify. Nowadays, the government and population are trying so hard to restore calm after the battle and fix the problem that we got from that crisis.


World Cup Mania Reaches Astronauts in Space

I had read some exotic news which is humorous and sounds pretty. Football fever has spread to astronauts who perform the duty on the International Space Station orbiting around the earth. They get together for cheering football match while they are having dinner and shouting out around the table. Caldwell Dyson lives on the space station with two Russian cosmonauts, including Alexander Skvortsov who is really keen on soccer as a part of his life. And other crews prefer listening to his viewpoint on the games. They have a time limit on space for 6 months then come back to the earth.

In my opinion,I think it is nice to have some interesting activity as this for spending boring time in the same place all 6 months. Let’s imagine that you are living on the space where has no facility or sport area and what are you going to do there. Although I am a girl who is really not interested in any sport but if I had stayed there I would be the soccer fan completely.



Hey everyone..!!! I would like to distribute some information about the top brand of a business which involves production of food. It is my favorite brand, named Oishi. I am quite sure almost the people in Bangkok know what Oishi is. At first, many people thought it is a brand from Japan, but completely wrong thinking. The owner would like to identify the brand which consists of Japanese foods, bakery, and beverages with the name that should be concern the products. Oishi derives from Japanese language (おいしい) which means delicious. Actually, Thai people pronounce this word a bit wrong but it definitely works. It is a pretty short word and also easy to say and remember. Then I am going to talk about a bit more data. Mr. Tan Pasakorntee is the original owner who created this brand name and established this company. Oishi is the primary restaurant that begins the new restaurant style which is Japanese Buffet. He is very considerate of fresh food and value for consumers caused this brand to be famous and creditable. It focuses on all ages and kind of people. He always creates some new productions and they are all successful. He is an excellent businessman who completely got an achievement from the business. Oishi expands rapidly in a decade now. Nowadays, there are many minor brands of Oishi group, for instance Shabushi, In & Out, Amino, Seki, Log Home, Coffio and three big restaurants which differ from another. There are some effects on consumers’ attitude. Some people turn to consume the buffet in stead of a dish, because it is a better choice for the consumers who usually eat a lot.

These are some detail of Oishi group which is interesting to read and I think there are many things that you prefer to know more about this brand and the owner. Follow the link ;



Today, I am going to talk about something really amazing and interesting which is surgery operation. It is the first successful operation of changing human face. Let imagine that the skull had been sawed off by a hacksaw and pasted up donator’s face on patient skull. It sounds frightful but greatly surprising that seems too difficult to be possible. However, medical team, including 30 doctors in Spain, had accomplished the first world achievement of the largest operation, called Face Off. The lucky man is 30 Spanish who had an accident. His face disfeatured by reckless using gun. He pulled the trigger without intention. He had to test his spirit for make sure that he would totally accept the new face. Dr. Joan Barret, head of team, said it had taken 24 hours for this operation which is the longest period ever in the medical operation history. Vall d’Hebron Hospital was made a great reputation by this case on 23 April. After one month, he is still in the hospital and cannot do anything even speak, smile or eat. The doctor hopes that he will breathe himself and eat something in next week. I am really proud of this new medical achievement and think that it will be a new choice for rich people who have excessive money to change their face like a super star.


Global Warming

I have heard the news from radio and watched on the television today. They said about the changing climate rapidly. The weather in Thailand increases up from last year, especially in this summer. There are many strange things that happens on the world and the effect is getting worse everyday. It does not just affect to people but also animal. They give the example from the cow case. They said although the farm has enough grass and food for cows but they don’t eat anything and obviously lose their weights. Many large farms in Thailand get a big impact from this crisis. They feed their cows as well as they can but it seems nothing is better. The cows refuse the food and act like they have no energy to do anything. The other case of people is 15 deaths. The most of them is the soldiers on the border areas. It is the reaction from their body. The brain stops working immediately when the climate is hot to the max in the afternoon. Moreover, they said the temperature will increase one or two degrees Celsius. So, I think we should begin doing something for save our world. The first thing we should start with a little things which we can do in the daily life such as turn off the light after work or open the window and turn on the fan instead off using air-condition. There is many things that we can do for our normal world as it was.

The Fear of Fat

I found a column interesting from a website which talks about Anorexic. It is a disorder of eating. It usually occurs to the adolescence, especially female teenagers who have an affected skinny shape extremely. Most of it happens on the people who have to use their body in the job such as models, stars or the works which often needs to meet the new people. They always concentrate on their shape although, they are absolutely thin. They have a strong will to diet, if their weigh increases. They are happy to have the less weigh than person’s normal weigh. They fear of the fat badly and usually think of the calories before they eat everything. Some sufferers feel really shy when they have to eat in public, so they refuse to eat anything when they stay with another. It is the wrong belief because if you begin to be Anorexic, your health is going to be worse by the lack of nutrient. The best way to avoid the sick of fat is healthy being. You should eat just a good dish which including more nutrient than fat as salad or fish grill. A woman named Laura Collins has published the book, “Eating With Anorexic”. She has a daughter who gets the suffer from this illness. After she knew that her daughter had begun the Anorexic, she spend lots of time to learn about this and wants to warn another by writing book for public. Anorexic is the dangerous illness. It maybe caused to the death, if you cannot control your wrong eating. I would like to recommend this story to everyone because it is close to ourselves. I see many people really be over affair of fat, including my friends and me.


The lover Thai Cycling Around The World

I've heard this story since I was in high school. I feel really proud of them because they are the first couple of Thai who went around the world by bicycle. Once day, the director of my highschool invited them to reveal their experiences to the students. They made me much impressed and wondered with the things which they've done. Sometimes it seems like they copied from the novel but it's the real. They did represent Thailand to foreigner sights and exchanged the culture with the local people each country. They started cycling from Radchada road on 30 November 2001 then they went down to the southern Thailand and rode to Malaysia. For over 3 years, they reached the U.S.A. and went forward to Europe. The most of trouble occured there but also the best experience. Then they rode to Russia and backed to Asia. They spent all 5 years 11 months and 1 day with their bicycles. This news was spread quickly when they arrived Thailand. And I am the one of people who follow their news.

This is Wan and Moo picture. I am going to tell you their brief biographies. The first one is Orawan Othong . She was born on 20 Sep ,1970 in Sukhothai and used to cycle to school for five years. She got a scholarship to study in Chilton High School in U.S.A. It's the beginning point of her inspiration to travel around the world. One day, she met Mou who is her partner cycling in the Sanamluang project. His name is Charoen Othong. He dreams to be a travel writer. He loves a nature and traveling. He often goes to the peace places when he is in holiday.

I hope this news maybe persuade you to follow their route because it gives you just the advantage things for the good health and great experiences.


My bicycle route !

Hey !!! I am going to talk about my experience with the bicycle. I started to practice cycling when I was 7 years old. My first bicycle is green and has 2 wheels. I got many injuries from it because it was so hard to balance my body. After I was good at cycling, I went out to ride a bike with my neighborhoods almost everyday. One day, I raced them with high speed and did not watch out the other vehicle. A motorcycle broke down on the way because of me. He st oped his bike immediately for safe my life. It is my worst thing ever with my bicycle but it is the best lesson for keep more carefulness. Today, I love to ride a bike such a good way of exercise, and my dad uses it to work-out also everyday. So I would like to recommend you to ride it for fit your body or for others advantages ;such as ride it to office or campus for safe your pocket money or time if it is not too far. Moreover, it does not make any pollution so it is the great way to safe our world with the bicycle.



I am MeaW. This is my site world. I would like to share the world affairs and a bit of my experiences in this blog. I hope that you are going to enjoy with my mini world.

Thanks for read my posts.