

The Haunted Wardrobe

This journal is similar to the last one because it is also about superstition. Yesterday the reporter reported that a lot of local people, who live in a small village in Petchaboon, gather together for find the lucky number from the haunted wardrobe in order to buy the lottery. It was given by someone who said there was mysterious sound when he would keep his cloths in the cupboard. Sometimes it sounded like the conversation but many times there was someone hitting the plank inside. But there was nothing when he opened it. It happened almost every day. No one can prove what the reason of these strange sounds is.

I think sometimes the mystery is supernatural. No one can explain the cause. Although I am not credulous and prefer to find the reason over believe in saying, I cannot dispute them with the realistic

1 comment:

  1. It was a strange and mistery story. I have never read this story before. Thank you for sharing :D
