

World Cup Mania Reaches Astronauts in Space

I had read some exotic news which is humorous and sounds pretty. Football fever has spread to astronauts who perform the duty on the International Space Station orbiting around the earth. They get together for cheering football match while they are having dinner and shouting out around the table. Caldwell Dyson lives on the space station with two Russian cosmonauts, including Alexander Skvortsov who is really keen on soccer as a part of his life. And other crews prefer listening to his viewpoint on the games. They have a time limit on space for 6 months then come back to the earth.

In my opinion,I think it is nice to have some interesting activity as this for spending boring time in the same place all 6 months. Let’s imagine that you are living on the space where has no facility or sport area and what are you going to do there. Although I am a girl who is really not interested in any sport but if I had stayed there I would be the soccer fan completely.

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