

My bicycle route !

Hey !!! I am going to talk about my experience with the bicycle. I started to practice cycling when I was 7 years old. My first bicycle is green and has 2 wheels. I got many injuries from it because it was so hard to balance my body. After I was good at cycling, I went out to ride a bike with my neighborhoods almost everyday. One day, I raced them with high speed and did not watch out the other vehicle. A motorcycle broke down on the way because of me. He st oped his bike immediately for safe my life. It is my worst thing ever with my bicycle but it is the best lesson for keep more carefulness. Today, I love to ride a bike such a good way of exercise, and my dad uses it to work-out also everyday. So I would like to recommend you to ride it for fit your body or for others advantages ;such as ride it to office or campus for safe your pocket money or time if it is not too far. Moreover, it does not make any pollution so it is the great way to safe our world with the bicycle.

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